Utilities for living in Japan

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Utilities service such as gas, water and electricity are provided by different companies. If you need to start or stop utilities, contact the utility companies. Tepore.com is the service that you can start/stop the supply of electricity, gas and water at once. It is very convenient service but they provide only Japanese Language.


If you are not good at Japanese, you may call the service company or contact them online.

Electricity (denki)
Japan runs on 100v at 50 or 60 Hz depending where you live. You will need some electrical converters to use anything that runs at 220v in Japan.

List of contacts / Tokyo Electric Power Company

Gas is provided in two ways, city gas and propane gas, depending where you live.
List of contacts / Tokyo Gas

The water is safe to drink in Japan. The water and sewerage is provided by the water company.
List of contacts / Tokyo Metropolitan Government
