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Kao is symbol or sign used alternatively for signature. Because of its flower like shape, it is called Kao (花押 means flower stamp). Kao is made by redesigning a part of Kanji characters of the name or pictures. Nowadays in Japan, Kao is not carried out as much as before, but still, it is available to use Kao for signature of passport and credit cards. Moreover, Kao is only one in the world, therefore, it is subject to intellectual property.

To write Kao

A writing brush is not always been used to make Kao. Other tool such as pen or pencil can be used. Also, writing order is not decided too, it depends on the person.

Kao Sample

Takeda Shingen

Uesugi Kenshin

Oda Nobunaga

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Date Masamune

Saigo Takamori

Sakamoto Ryoma