Akinori Tanaka

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Hello! Born in Japan and raised in the U.S., through reimportation I am living again in Japan. The reason for coming back was, of course, the delicious food! American steaks are tasty enough, but they cannot compete with the amazing food that Japan has to offer.

It goes without saying that the food center of Japan is Tokyo. I want to introduce to everyone through this website the various types of gourmet food in Tokyo. Of course, the areas outside of Tokyo also have a lot to offer! In any case, I am a person who loves delicious food.


After moving to Colorado, U.S. in elementary school, I stayed there until graduating high school. I then decided to go to university in Japan to learn more about my birthplace, and am currently in my fourth year of studying economics at Seikei University. In my third year I did an intern at Netprice Corporation, where I met the representative of JESTO, Eisei Saito, with whom I am working on establishing this new business.

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