How to make Onigiri (triangle)
- Published 2010.7.13
How to make Onigiri (triangle)

Focussing on the rice
It is recommended to choose a type of rice that will not fall apart even if cooled, and will not become too hard. It might be good to try mixing rice with various qualities. The best types to use are “koshihikari,” “sasanishiki,” and “akitakomachi.” As soon as the rice finishes cooking, lightly mix while adding air to the rice, and start moulding right away.
Normal ingredients include “ume,” (Japanese plum) salmon, “katsuobushi,” (sliced dried bonito) kelp, and fish roe.
How to make
1. After putting a small amount of salt on your hands, start to mould.
2. In the center of the rice place the main ingredient of choice.
3. Take an appropriate amount of rice and lightly mould. If the rice is too soft it will fall apart, but if it is too hard, it will lose its taste, so try to find a proper balance.