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Kuwanoha Bijin [Mulberry Leaf Beauty]

It is said that drinking this special tea made of mulberry leaves makes your skin whiter. At first I thought, "That can't be true, it's just tea, isn't it?" Well, there seems to be logical explanations for the effect of this product. Among all, silkworms produce those beautiful white silk because they feed off of mulberry leaves.

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Makishi-dake one piece [maximum length dress]

When we go out into the city, we often see dresses being worn which stretch all the way up to the ankle. This is the "makishi-dake one piece [maximum length dress]" which is currently popular amongst women.

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Rose Water of the Mediterranean Sea

A coworker of mine told me, "There's this amazing rose water!" The product I was recommended was a "liquid containing 100% extract worth the amount of 300 premium Damascus rose concentrated into a bottle."

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Oil Lamp

Nowadays, oil lamp is gaining attention among women regardless of ages. The oil lamp we are talking here is not the ones used in the old days to light up instead of electricity but is a tool to enjoy the fragrance.

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The skinny jeans, sheep skin boots, leather-like leggings, long length jacket, and flashy maximum length dress. These styles in fashion are from LA celebrities and Japanese girls are taken in their style.

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Japanese used to drip couple of drops of this ra-yu in ramem, dumpling dip, or stir-fried vegetables and enjoyed the change in flavor. However, the "Taberu ra-yu" is quite different. You don't add it to some other food but instead you can eat it by itself

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