Legal issue

- How to open an account in Japan
- What to do if the police stop you while riding a bicycle at night
- When you get into legal problems in Japan
- If you get stalked
- If you get involved in car accident
- How to deal with domestic violence
- Tax Report in Japan
- "Having Pets" Legal Issues about Pets(1)
- "Pets and Life" Legal Issues about Pets(2)
Foreign worker issue
Tatsuzo Takahashi (Lawyer)
Born in Gunma prefecture in 1984. After graduating Keio University majoring in law, finished law school at Chuo University. Belong to Tokyo Bar Association in 2009, and begin working as a lawyer at TANAKA&Partners in Akasakamitsuke, Minato-ku. And started own Law Office (Adiantum Law Office in Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku in 2010.