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Types of Tofu

Did you know there is a huge variety of types and textures of tofu?

Silken Tofu (Kinugoshi Tofu)

Silken tofu is also known as soft tofu or Kinugoshi tofu in Japanese. The literal Japanese translation of Kinugoshi Tofu is silk-filtered tofu. Silken tofu is the softest tofu in the market and unlike other types of tofu, it is produced by coagulating soymilk without curdling it. Due to its soft texture, it can be replaced for dairy or eggs and can be used for baking. In Japan, Silken tofu can often be found find in miso soup.

Cotton Tofu (Momen Tofu)

Momen which means cotton is harder than silken tofu as it has the firmness of raw meat. However, it still contains a great amount of moisture. Momen tofu is made by draining and pressing the tofu with a cloth to get rid of excess liquid. As Momen tofu is very dense and spongy tofu it is typically used for fried dishes.

Gathered Tofu (Yose Tofu)

Yose tofu has a similar texture as a momen tofu and so as the process. They are sold in small packages and are not soaked in water . Coagulant is added to maintain its shape and this type of tofu does not require water so it has a rich tofu flavor.

Firm Tofu (Kata Tofu)

This type of tofu is relative rare in Japan but can be found in supermarkets in the U.S. In Japan, you can find them in specialty stores and they are sold in vacuum-sealed packages. This tofu is very dense and has a bricklike texture.